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Matthew 10:8 - “..freely ye have received, freely give.

Have you received the Free Gift of Salvation?Are you sure of going to heaven when you die?

Here is the Truth about the only living God and our eternal destiny.

We are all sinners and we rightfully deserve Hell. But, the good news is that there is a way to Heaven.


By freely receiving His perfect righteousness imputed on us, through faith in Him, we can go to heaven. JESUS PAID IT ALL.

Those who truly believe, will receive the Gift of Eternal Life.

Believe in the One True God(God - The Father,God - The Son,God - The Spirit) and accept Christ ALONE(not self-righteousness, not Mary, not Saints, not religion, not sacraments) as your personal savior. 

Basic doctrinal beliefs:

1) The God-head(God-The Father, God-The Son, God-The Holy Spirit)

1) Jesus is 100% God and 100% man

2) Virgin birth of Christ

3) Christ's atoning sacrifice

4) The death and resurrection of Christ

5) The Gift of Eternal Life by faith in Christ alone, by grace alone, devoid of any human works

6) The Holy Spirit indwelling in every believer, as a comfortor and guide

7) The Bible as the infallible Word of God